Create an opus decoder.
Sample rate to decode at (Hz). This must be one of 8000, 12000, 16000, 24000, or 48000.
Number of channels (1 or 2) to decode.
Decodes an Opus packet to 16-bit signed integer PCM.
The data of the opus packet to decode.
Number of samples per channel in the opus packet. This must be an Opus frame size for the encoder's sampling rate.
The output signal in 16-bit signed integer PCM.
Decodes an Opus packet to floating point PCM.
The data of the opus packet to decode.
Number of samples per channel in the opus packet. This must be an Opus frame size for the encoder's sampling rate.
The output signal in floating point PCM.
A class that decodes Opus packet to 16-bit signed integer or floating point PCM.